c'est moi.

c'est moi.


Come sit down beside me with a dollar and a dime, we'll drink away our fortunes, here's to the meantime. -Grace Potter





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modivational monday.

As we all know, Mondays are probably the worst day of the week. Mix Monday with pouring rain, and it's a recipe for barely peeling yourself out of bed in time to make it to work on time, a missed AM workout, and a post-work couch surfing session. The point is, whether it's Monday or Saturday, there is no better time to get on the bandwagon towards achieving that small or large feat that's been in the back of your mind for several months. We all have goals and aspirations, but it's the actual effort that it requires to achieve those dreams that tend to have us all running for cover. And why is that? Because we're lazy and complacent far too often in life. I'm just as guilty as the next girl for simply going through the motions of daily life and never really pushing myself to actually being happy, but simply being content. Whether it's your love life, career, friendships or health, life is too short to simply accept the conditions you are in if you are not truly excited on a daily basis. This is not to say we are not all entitled to having bad days. We won't love waking up every morning and going to work, we won't love going to the gym instead of cracking a bottle of vino after a long day, and we won't love having the tough conversations with our significant other. Nothing in life is handed to us. It's about pushing yourself to achieve your deepest desires because they aren't just going to come knocking on your door- well, maybe if you are truly that lucky. But don't bet on it. How often do we see the stories on VH1 or ESPN about the singers or athletes who came from nothing to achieve their dream profession? If these people went from the projects to Hollywood, then there is no reason that you cannot make some of your wildest dreams a reality.
The first thing to do is make a list. Write down the things you want in life- start small. Think achievements like making it to the gym 3 days this week, only having one glass of wine after work (verses your usual two plus) or having that hard conversation with your friend about her sketchy weekend activities. Then go big! Achievements like landing a promotion at work, running a marathon, or saving to buy a new vehicle by the end of 2011. The most important step; PLAN. I can't stress this enough. How often do we look at a goal and think of the hundreds of things we have to accomplish, get overweilmed and give up? Case and Point: "Yeah I want to go back to school at some point, but that would mean signing up for the GRE's, actually studying, taking the exam, applying to schools, acquiring letters of recommendation, and about one hundred other things I don't feel like doing. So instead I'll just stick with my crappy job- it isn't THAT bad." Of course getting into grad school isn't going to be a walk in the park- that's probably why they give you a laundry list of things you have to do before they'll accept you. It weeds out the lazy people who just aren't 100% committed to making it happen. Whether it's grad school or nailing the interview to get you a new job, you have to actually visualize how you are going to make it happen. It means going through the "busy work", practicing, and paying your dues- and I don't mean just financially. I mean putting in the time and energy to getting what you want. Whip up your recipe for success by listing the steps that lay between you and your goal. Break it down into bite size pieces and start munching away. Reward yourself for each step and share your ideas with friends and family- there is nothing better than encouragement during the process from the people you love. They can pick you up when you wander off track and can help in keeping you accountable for reaching that dream. Just remember it isn't always going to be easy, but it will be worth it.